how to be happy


Open one palm of your hand, and….

Read through the following and fold a finger for every option you agree with , in each section.

Section A

  1. I feel that I am not good enough/productive enough /competent enough .
  2. I feel I need to prove myself to people I love and care, so that they love me back.
  3. I am unhappy with the ways things are happening in my life right now.
  4. I feel life is unfair to me.
  5. I decide or choose based on how happy my people (family & friends) are with my choice/decision.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek “Counselling Session” (to know more about Individual Counselling). You seem to be struggling with certain thought process and patterns, which are not allowing you to live your life to the Fullest!

What is Counselling ?

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Online Counselling

Section B

  1. I Procrastinate a lot!! (I want to change this)
  2. I feel guilty about not giving my best/putting enough efforts into something.
  3. I cannot seem to keep/maintain a routine.
  4. I know what I need to do, but I am unable to do it (I lack motivation/inspiration to do it)
  5. I feel that I have good potential, but I am not successful yet.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek “Quantum Leap Session”(Hypnotherapy). You seem to be struggling with certain Behavioral patterns and habits . You might also be influenced by certain deep rooted faulty subconscious ideas and beliefs; which you have picked up growing up, and now it is the unconsciously sabotaging your efforts to grow and shine.

subconscious programming

How to do easy effortless Manifestation?

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Section C

  1. I feel fatigued or mentally tired all the time.
  2. I feel like leaving everything and running away somewhere.
  3. I cannot seem to forgive /forget people and all the nasty things they did to me/made me feel.
  4. My health is my major concern, I feel stuck because of health problems.
  5. I have a lot of fear in me. – about various things , and this stops me from doing/trying certain things I like.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek “Quantum Healing Session”(know more about Healing). You seem to be struggling with certain mind and emotional blocks. Sometimes, the pressures and stress of the mind is converted into a physical illness/problem. Holistic healing and Counselling will help clear the mental and emotional stress, restoring good health – physically and mentally!


If you are (still or maybe..)confused about what you require and how to go about it, choose to chat with our executive – Counsellor for free! click on the WhatsApp icon in the right upper corner of the screen, or the Facebook Messenger icon floating to the right lower corner. We will be sure to respond to you immediately!

Sample : WhatsApp or FB Messenger

You : Hello I am XYZ,

The NewAge Therapist : Hello XYZ, How can I Help you?

You : I am unsure what I need, but I feel like I need a consultation. help?

The NewAge Therapist : Sure! Tell Me More…

Before anything else, Let me remind you that you are speaking with a Trained Psycho-Spiritual Wellness Counsellor. Your chat with us is FREE, and completely Confidential.

You : ok, (Explain your confusion/issue)

The NewAge Therapist : Dear XYZ, Don’t worry, we can try this____________ ok? And, it will help you with _______.

Just Remember……You Deserve to Happy! and you are a Click away from making things Better!